
Tell us why you support CBAW

Since leaving government funding, we’ve run more than 70 community building workshops and events at military hospitals and in community spaces this year funded not by the DoD, but by the American People. We could not have done it without you.

We are at a critical point right now. Though we’ve been doing this work for years through DoD funding, as a newly independent organization it’s difficult for us to secure sizable grants from major foundations. We rely on the support of the American people to keep our programs going. We’re preparing to launch an online campaign in the month of May. We need your help to inspire other folks to donate.

The best advocates of this work have always been the people who have experienced it themselves–whether as participants, family members, facilitators, or audience members.

Will you please send us a short video, taken with your cellphone’s camera, explaining briefly why you support CBAW?

Don’t stress too much about it, we just want to show the breadth of people who are a part of this movement, and invite others to join us. Board member Amelia Bane made a short video explaining the guidelines, and with an example video.


The Guidelines:

1. Stand in a quiet place in front of a neutral background, holding your phone/camera horizontally/landscape

2. Look into the camera and complete the phrase: “I support CBAW because…” or “I give because” record this 3 times. We just need ten seconds or so for each person, but it’s good to have a few options

3. Tell us your first name, as you’d like it to appear, and a title—either your veteran status if you’re a veteran, and/or your current occupation (i.e. Joe, USMC Veteran, Artist or Amanda, Rec Therapist)

4. Email it to Amelia Bane: amelia [at] cbaw [dot] org along with your social media handle(s) if you’re okay with being tagged.

5. When the campaign is live, please share it widely