1. Register to be assigned to paint a portion of the painting.
2. Receive your template and instructions.
3. The first three CBAW Visual Art Workshops in May will be dedicated to completing the collaborative painting. Join Veteran Artists Joe Merritt, Shaun Smith and Valerie Acosta who will provide extra instructions on completing your piece. (May 1st, 8th, 15th)
4. Scan and send your image in by Monday, May20th.
* This year, participants can choose any medium to create their piece. We only ask that you create it on 8″x8″ mixed media paper that can be scanned (no photographs) in the same color palette as the original image.
Joe Merritt
Shaun Smith
Valerie Acosta
Community Building Art Works (CBAW)
Click here to see our full calendar of events.
Further details about our workshops, including what to expect & registration instructions, can be found on our FAQ page.

CBAW Marketing & Communications Manager
Rob Haney is an artist, writer, and graphic designer with a passion for making slick-looking and fun images that catch the eye and draw viewers in. Rob worked for over 10 years in retail banking and management in their previous life, before returning to school and earning an Associates of Arts with Honors from Rock Valley College in 2012. An early addict to Twitter, Rob enjoys liking and resharing cool stuff and interacting with people who hold similar interests on the internet. When not online, Rob writes and reads poetry, creates both physical and digital artwork, and watches British mystery shows.