
The DNCreativeSpace Story Salon at The Arts Club of Washington is proud to celebrate US military veterans of all conflicts this November 23rd, 2019 from 4:00pm to 7:00pm.

A woman combat helicopter pilot, a WWII Vet who went into the army at sixteen and more than twenty years later came out a decorated war hero and the first African-American to fly the Boeing 747. Meet these veterans and others who will share Turning Points in their lives.

This celebration will be saluted by an A Cappella gospel quartet as well as a steel guitarist. Refreshments will be served.

Come visit the Story Salon and hear the stories and join in the conversations. The event is free for vets with their DD-214 or other military ID. Link for tickets can be found here.

image and information via The Arts Club of Washington (https://artsclubofwashington.org/)