

KickOff Celebration

Please Join Seema Reza, Joe Merritt & the Board of CBAW

for a kickoff celebration of

Community Building Art Works


Seema Reza, an award-winning writer and USMC Veteran Joe Merritt— co-founders of Community Building Art Works —and CBAW board members will share exciting announcements and a brief presentation of what CBAW has been working on, upcoming projects, future plans and how we need your input and support as we continue to grow.  

The proceeds from the event will support Community Building Art Works —a 501.c.3 charity that builds healthy and connected communities through arts workshops. CBAW has reached thousands of Service Members, Veterans, and Military Family members in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. Our combination of arts programs and community-building events and services improve and enhance the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of veterans, service members, and their families.

Tickets available here