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Finding Refuge and Companionship in Poetry: In a time of pandemic and pandemonium, come home to the poem and the refuge — the brave and open place — we create together to unearth and share our truths and visions. We’ll explore how reading, writing, speaking, and listening to poetry can bring us a greater sense of community while also helping us hear what we have to say to ourselves and the world. Poetry can also, even and especially in times of great uncertainty and danger, help us better understand what we carry and how to cultivate a little more resilience and freedom along the way. This workshop includes an ample handout of writing prompts (including poems of our time and parallel times) you can do on your own or with others.
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg, Ph.D., Kansas Poet Laureate Emerita is the author of 24 books, including How Time Moves: New & Selected Poems; Miriam’s Well, a novel; Needle in the Bone, a non-fiction
book on the Holocaust; The Sky Begins At Your Feet, a memoir on cancer and community. Founder of Transformative Language Arts, Mirriam-Goldberg leads writing workshops widely, coaches people on
writing and right livelihood and consults with businesses and organizations on creativity.

Seema Reza is a poet and essayist and the author of two books: A Constellation of Half-Lives and When the World Breaks Open. She holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in Writing and Community Building from Goddard College. In 2010 Seema began working with service members, veterans, and their families at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and has since developed a unique multi-hospital arts program that encourages the use of the arts as a tool for narration, self-care and socialization. In 2015, the USO of Metropolitan Washington-Baltimore awarded Seema the Col John Gioia Patriot Award for her work with service members in military hospitals. Seema is a 2019 George W. Bush Institute Stand-To Veteran Leadership Scholar.