What can I expect from a CBAW Workshop?
- CBAW facilitators come prepared with a project to offer. There will be time to discuss craft and talk about the project before your time to create (between 10 and 20 minutes). During the creation time, participants work separately, but together.
- Facilitators will bring a particular medium (poetry, memoir, painting, drawing, etc). Participants are welcome to respond in the medium of their choice.
- At the end, there will be time for participants to share as time permits. There’s never a requirement to share your work.
- It is important to keep our space safe. We do not allow folks to rename themselves once they’ve entered the group. Be sure to change your name as it appears on Zoom before you join, or ask the facilitator to do it on their end.
- After the program, a survey will pop up so you can give us your feedback. We read every comment and strive to make CBAW programs the best that they can be.
How do I register for a workshop?
- Check out the amazing line-up of programs CBAW has to offer at www.cbaw.org/events.
- Select the class you are interested in and click on the registration link. (Example below.)
- You will be redirected to Eventbrite where you will enter your information (including your valid email address.)
- You will receive a confirmation email from Eventbrite <noreply@order.eventbrite.com>.
- If you do not see it in your Inbox, please check your Spam Folder.
- To find the Zoom Link and Password, scroll to the Additional Information.
- You can also choose to add the program to your calendar.
- You can cancel your order or send CBAW a message through Eventbrite.
How do I use Zoom?
Logging On
- To log on to a Zoom workshop, you should be able to click on the Zoom link provided in your confirmation email, and enter the passcode (if requested. Passcode is also in the confirmation email.)
Zoom Etiquette
- Please be on time. To minimize disruption and maximize engagement, participants will not be permitted after the first 10 minutes of the workshop.
- To minimize background noise in sessions, please ‘Mute’ yourself when you are not speaking. If not, a facilitator may do it for you.
- Always be kind and respectful of others.
- The chat is open as a place for connection, questions, and affirmations. We ask that you be respectful in the chat, and keep to positive comments. This is not a space for critique of people’s work. Feel free to share resources and kindness.
- For recorded sessions: On occasion, CBAW may choose to record program sessions. CBAW will not use any sharing in recordings to maintain privacy. If you want to make sure your image is not used by CBAW, please turn off your camera.
- Be patient. Our facilitators do their best to answer questions and manage zoom.
Zoom Controls
- Below are some of the most commonly used controls in Zoom. Please note that these may differ slightly depending on the device type and Zoom software version you are using.
What accessibility options do you offer?
Zoom Accessibility
- Both Closed Captions and Full Transcripts are available. Please click on Show Captions to enable this feature.
- Zoom is compatible with Screen Readers.
- Participants are able to zoom in and out when facilitators share screens:
- To see more accessibility options including how to customize font size of chat and captions, please watch this video or visit zoom.us/accessibility.
Where can I find additional Zoom support?
Zoom Videos & Support
- Zoom has created various instructional videos of their own, including how to join a meeting, and basic zoom controls. There is also a video about Zoom accessibility features. Find all of these and more, on their YouTube playlist. Please note, the version of Zoom highlighted in their videos may not match the most current version installed on your device. For more information about Zoom, visit their support page.
CBAW reserves the right to remove individuals who do not follow the above guidelines and/or are disruptive to the session.
For further assistance and other questions please contact us, here.