Black & White Painting — An Online Visual Art Workshop with Veteran Artist Joe Merritt
Zoom Virtual EventEmbrace the shades of creativity at CBAW with Black & White Painting, a workshop by Veteran Artist Joe Merritt. Discover the power of using only black and white acrylic paints to craft stunning landscapes. This session hones your grayscale technique, turning a limited palette into a world of texture and depth. Perfect for both novices and seasoned artists, come join us and paint a masterpiece in monochrome! Suggested Supplies: Acrylic Paint (Black & White) Paint Brushes Canvas (Paper, Wood, or any other suitable painting surface is fine.) Pencil Eraser Water Cup Paper Towels Straight Edge (Ruler is great, but anything will work.) Reference Image (Click to download) Joe Merritt was medically retired from the United States Marine Corps in 2016 after 10 years of honorable service. Joe rediscovered art during his medical treatment and has a successful career as a professional artist, exhibiting his work and presenting gallery talks across the country. He is a steward of the veteran art community, leading art programming with active duty and veteran populations in DC, MD and VA. About CBAW Visual Arts Workshops Join Veterans and Artists, Valerie Acosta, Shaun Smith, Joe Merritt, or a special guest to learn new art techniques on Wednesdays […]